Developing business in commodities such as coffee or tea or in fresh fruit and vegetables represents great potential for growth and employment in Africa. The challenge for these sectors lies in effective and efficient exporting to the right markets......

    The resurgence of high food prices in 2010 awakened fears of a repeat of the 2007-08 food crisis, threatening increasing food insecurity, rampant food price inflation and civil unrest. While, fortunately, the worst fears have not materialized generally,.....

    If you pay attention to the news, you’ll hear two stories about African agriculture. The first is of the drought that sears the Horn of Africa and forces tens of thousands of Somalis – now climate refugees – to pack up their belongings and families.....

    The famine in the Horn of Africa has shed light not only on the scale of the human disaster, but the urgent need for long-term agricultural policy reform and an overhaul of the global food aid system. Tonight, some 1 billion people will go to.....

    Somalia is facing one of the worst food crises the world has seen in 60 years. The scale of the humanitarian disaster provides an ominous backdrop to this issue of International Trade Forum as we focus on food security, agriculture and trade development......

    As a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, agriculture is both a contributor to climate change and a potential casualty. Resolving the tension between meeting food security needs whilst also reducing emissions presents a major development challenge......

    The recent drought-related famine in East Africa has put the focus on the need to make smarter use of existing water resources and, where possible, make more water available for food production. Smart water management technologies will provide the.....

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